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Website Terms of Use

  1. PMOPA reserves the right to change the terms of use at any time.
  2. Members agree to use the membership directory for personal communication purposes only. Collection or dissemination of membership data, including email addresses, phone numbers, aircraft registration numbers, and mailing addresses, is explicitly prohibited. Members may not use membership contact information for the purposes of commercial activities, product or service promotion or for the purpose of creating online forums or owner groups. If the Board of Directors determine that a member has violated these terms, they reserve the right to ban that member.
  3. PMOPA shall not be held responsible for any damages that may arise from the dissemination of any personal information by reason of theft or accidental release.
  4. PMOPA agrees to make reasonable effort to keep user data private and will not knowingly disclose any personal information to any third party without consent;
  5. However, in the case of value-added service/discounts, in order to provide value-added services to the PMOPA membership we sometimes arrange with 3rd-party vendors to provide discount and savings programs. In order to properly facilitate this service for our members AND to protect the 3rd-party vendor’s interest so that ONLY those entitled to said programs apply for the discounts, this will involve sharing LIMITED member data with that 3rd-party vendor (such as name, user id, membership type, membership duration, etc.) for the purpose of verification of member eligibility. Although we share this information, we never give 3rd-party vendors permission to use shared data for any other purposes, including solicitation or sharing data with someone else. By signing up for a PMOPA membership, you are agreeing to this policy.
  6. Members agree to allow PMOPA to store any information that they enter into the system.
  7. Under no circumstances will PMOPA, its board of directors, officers, or members be held responsible for any damages, whether direct or incidental, resulting from the use of this website or any information contained within.
  8. Some of the material contained in the PMOPA website may be copyrighted, or trademarked. Such material may not be used, copied or disseminated in any way without the express permission of the owner. PMOPA will make a conscious effort to properly mark such material; however, it is the responsibility of the user to determine the ownership of any intellectual property before using, copying or disseminating any material found on this site.
  9. PMOPA reserves the right to ban any user with or without cause.


The PMOPA website forums are one of our most valuable member benefits and an excellent means of instantly sharing valuable information among the entire association. Our goal in providing and managing the forum is to optimize its benefit to all our members with freedom of expression within a structure of respect for others through a published protocol. To that end, the following guidelines are provided to encourage widespread member participation and benefit.


  • Posts to the PMOPA Forums should be of general interest to PMOPA members.
  • Members agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-orientated material or any other content that may violate any laws of your country, the country where PMOPA is hosted, or any international laws.
  • PMOPA reserves the right to remove, edit, move or close any post, topic or forum at any time.
  • Although the moderators of PMOPA will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this site, it is impossible to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and neither the officers, and directors, nor the members of PMOPA will be held responsible for the content of any message. By agreeing to these rules, members agree to not post any messages that are considered obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful or threatening, violate any laws or are otherwise objectionable to the administrators or officers of the PMOPA.
  • Other than Vendor Forums, do not post commercial announcements, solicitations, offers of goods and services for sale,. See below about responding to commercial inquiries.
  • Posts must be germane to the PMOPA forum to which posted. Responses to previous posts that are not germane to the substantive topic are discouraged and may be removed or relocated to an appropriate topic or other forum.
  • Do not use the forum for private communication. Posts that are more appropriately sent to specific recipients should not be posted to the PMOPA forum.  This includes specific requests for information or documents, congratulatory notes, comments on the suitability of postings, and thank you messages.
  • The forum is for the exclusive use of association members in good standing. A posting by members of messages from non-members as a surrogate is not allowed. Anonymous postings, or postings using someone else’s member ID or account are prohibited. If a membership is shared by marriage, partnership; i.e. , the individual author must sign the posting.
  • If you have a message that you believe may of interest to a small group of PMOPA members, post a general description and request members to contact you privately.
  • Posts should be in plain text format (not html) to facilitate uploading by members.
  • Attachments may accompany posts.
  • Do not use ALL CAPITAL LETTERS in your messages; this is viewed as shouting and is a breach of “netiquette.” Occasional capitalized word or two for emphasis is fine.
  • Don’t consume forum resources with excessive courtesies (i.e., “Thank you” posts, or sending a post to the entire PMOPA forum apologizing for accidentally sending a posting that was intended as a private email) is discouraged;
  • If you wish to send an off-topic post, make certain that it is worth everyone’s time.
  • Always endeavor to differentiate fact from opinion. If your statement is intended to be factual, cite your source. If it is your opinion, please say so.
  • Bear in mind that the forum audience is international. Avoid using abbreviations and acronyms that may not be known or understood by others, such as airport identifiers.


  • There will invariably be some question as to whether some posts belong on the forum. Posters are expected to use good judgment when posting such messages.  Discussion on the PMOPA forum as to whether the post was placed on the proper PMOPA forum is deemed not germane to the substantive issue and it is prohibited.
  • Replies to the PMOPA forums are appropriate only when the reply is of general interest to PMOPA forum members and when the reply is germane to the topic being discussed;
  • Replies must relate to the subject of the original post. DO NOT reply to a posting about “Subject A” with a message regarding “Subject B.” Start a new thread on Subject B where appropriate. (This is especially important, as forum postings are archived and searchable by keyword.)
  • When replying to a previous post, quote only the relevant portion to which you are replying, rather than repeating the entire message.
  • Replies to commercial or business inquiries are allowed but should be brief and direct further questions or discussion off the forum, or to a vendor forum if established.


PMOPA forums are for the use of our members only. PMOPA forum posts and emails may not be forwarded to non-PMOPA forum members without prior Board approval. PMOPA reserves the right to terminate PMOPA forum privileges of anyone who violates this rule.


This PMOPA Forum Protocol serves as the “traffic rules” for the PMOPA forums. They apply to all members to provide a welcoming venue to preserve the maximum member participation. The Association’s objective is to minimize censorship, preferring that other members address offending posts when they occur. However, the Board may elect to remove posts or threads that do not comply with this objective and protocol, in which case an email to the author or the post/thread will be sent within 48 hours to inform that the action has been taken and state the reason. Those who do not comply with the PMOPA Forum Protocol will receive a private reminder. If the problem continues, the Board may withdraw forum posting privileges from the member for a period of time to be determined by the Board.