
A flight instructor may apply to the MSIP Steering Committee for recognition by PMOPA SEF as an MSIP CFI for the purpose of providing:

  1. Ground training; and/or
  2. Recurrent training; and/or
  3. Focused task-specific and/or situational-specific training (for example, landings/approaches, instrument proficiency and mountain flying); and/or
  4. Mentor/Line Orientated Flight Training (LOFT).

An MSIP CFI candidate must meet the following criteria:

  1. Hold a current U.S. FAA Single Engine Airplane Land Flight Instructor certificate with an Instrument Flight Instructor rating (or non-U.S. Civil Aviation Authority equivalent) and have:
    1. At least 200 hours of dual instruction given; and
    2. Successfully completed initial training for at least one Variant (piston and turbine, if seeking recognition for both) and transition training for each additional Variant for which an initial training was not completed; if the candidate did not receive initial training from an MSIP Gold CFI or MSIP Platinum CFI, the candidate’s next recurrent training must be conducted or observed by an MSIP Gold CFI or MSIP Platinum CFI; and
    3. Provided extensive instrument instruction (simulator training does not qualify) to pilots who trained for an instrument rating; and
    4. For turbine Variants, a high-altitude endorsement and RVSM training (as appropriate for the specific Variant); and
  2. PMOPA member in good standing; and
  3. PMOPA Event attendance:
    1. Attended a PMOPA Convention within the preceding 24 months of the time of initial application; or
    2. Commits to and subsequently attends a PMOPA Convention or Regional/Safety Event that occurs within 12 months after application; and
  4. Provided names of two current M-Class clients who support the instructor for MSIP recognition. PMOPA SEF staff may verify the references; and
  5. Variant Time Requirement. Either:
    1. Logged at least 50 hours as Pilot-in-Command (sole manipulator of the controls) in an M-Class variant as an owner, partner, or company pilot; or
    2. Provided flight instruction in the Variant for which the MSIP CFI recognition is sought, being either:
      1. 25+ hours in the Variant for which MSIP CFI recognition is sought; or
      2.  50+ hours cumulative hours in any combination of Variants; and
  6. Variant Landings Requirement:
    1. Piston: 25 landings as sole manipulator of the controls, from the left seat or the right seat in any piston M-Class variant; and
    2. Turboprop: 25 landings as sole manipulator of the controls, from the left seat or the right seat in any turboprop M-Class variant; and
  7. For initial application for recognition under the MSIP Program, demonstrate knowledge of PMOPA SEF Training Program and PMOPA Operating Practices, and ability to use the knowledge and training resources that support the PMOPA SEF Training Program.

MSIP CFIs who do not satisfy the Variant requirements of either parts (1)b or (5) above can participate in the MSIP Mentorship Program as a substitute for such requirement.